September 17, 2019

Iberdrola expects up to 6000 workers will receive GWO training

New member estimates how many of its employees and contractors could potentially be in scope

Global wind energy leader Iberdrola has underlined its commitment to GWO standards, adding further detail on its expectations for the workforce.

The company joined on September 16th 2019 and will support The Main Objective according to GWO's Articles of Association "To strive for a safe and injury free work environment in the wind industry". José Ramón Ferradas, Global Director for Health and Safety at Iberdrola, said that several thousand of its employees and contractors will be trained or merited into the GWO system, so their training can be recognised in WINDA.

"Between our onshore and our offshore businesses and taking into account our own staff and contractors we estimate that over 6000 workers are expected in the long term to have a GWO training," said Sr. Ferradas. "Iberdrola operates in different countries and it is very important for us to maintain identical training courses with similar subjects and the same quality level. This standardisation of the courses helps to guarantee the correct execution of the activities and therefore ensure accident-free workplaces for both, own personnel and contractors."

In short, Iberdrola shares GWO's ambition. "We share the same objective with GWO in relation to the importance and the necessity of having international recognised training standards."

A perfect fit

As with many globally leading wind energy companies, the move to GWO membership is a natural step. Sr. Ferradas points how how GWO standards already fit with Iberdrola's established safety management and training system. "Our company has been teaching specific training programs for our workers and contractors for years, these courses are taught in our own centers or in centers approved by GWO. The standards fit perfectly into our training management systems at the technical level and at the safety level.

"Our long-term objective is to maintain a continuous collaboration with GWO," he said. "In the short and medium term, Iberdrola sees two focus areas. Firstly, we would like to share our knowledge and best training practices with all GWO companies and over the medium term would like to develop, through the different GWO committees and working groups, globally recognized electrical training standards for the wind sector."

About Iberdrola

Iberdrola is one of the world's largest electricity utilities and the biggest producer of wind power. The company's installed capacity can be viewed on its Iberdrola Facilities Map

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