August 20, 2019

Training providers: Always check your certification body meets GWO Criteria

The certification body you appoint to audit your site must appear on the GWO's approved list

We are today reminding training providers to remember these instructions when choosing a certification body to audit their site.

  1. Only the certification bodies listed on our Find a Certification Body page have documented their conformance with the GWO Criteria for Certification Bodies.
  2. An approved certification body appearing on the above list may audit any site BUT
  3. You should not appoint a local branch of a certification body, without checking first that it has documented its conformity with the GWO Criteria for Certification Bodies.

Unfortunately, some training providers have encountered delays in achieving their certification because they mistakenly appointed a certification body that had yet to document is conformity with the GWO Criteria for Certification Bodies.

"It is both the responsibility of training providers and certification bodies to ensure GWO Criteria are met," says Jakob Lau Holst, CEO of Global Wind Organisation.

What should you do?

  • Ask your certification body to prove to you that they have documented their conformity and provided this information to GWO.
  • BOTH the Certification Body itself AND the lead auditor who will be performing your audit must document their compliance with the GWO Criteria for Certification Bodies.
  • Any certificates received from a certification body that do not meet the criteria requirements will not be accepted by GWO
How can I check they have documented compliance with the GWO Criteria?
  • Check their details match EXACTLY with those listed on our Find a Certification Body page
  • Documents can be provided after an audit, but this may delay the process of becoming certified and being granted rights to upload training records in WINDA.

You can always email us and provide details of the certification body you intend to use.

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