RenewableUK is withdrawing its training standards and will continue recognizing GWO as the industry standard going forward.
RenewableUK’s highest priority in this area is to be a leading enabler in the delivery of an expanding UK wind, wave and tidal sector free of fatalities, injuries and work-related ill-health. This must be done as effectively as possible avoiding any undue burden in terms of cost, resource, and time on any organisation or individual. We must also ensure that our sector has clarity about training issues.
As such in 2017 RenewableUK, its members and stakeholders, through the Health & Safety Working Group, have reviewed the requirement for RenewableUK training standards to continue when considered against the context of the now widely accepted international standards produced by GWO that we already recognise as equivalent.
The conclusion of this review is that current RenewableUK Health and Safety Training Standards should be removed from circulation and formally closed. The standards to be withdrawn are;
The timeline and process will be as follows;
RenewableUK Approved Training Providers and GWO formally notified of removal process and timescales
RenewableUK Membership notified of removal process and timescales
31/12/2017 Final date for any RenewableUK Training Standards course to be completed
31/12/2019 Full withdrawal from the industry leading to;
a) Final date for any RenewableUK Training Standard Training Certification to be accepted by duty holders.
b) Final date for any RenewableUK Training Standard Training Certification to be accepted by GWO approved training providers as a pre-requiste for GWO refresher training.
On this basis RenewableUK will ensure continuity of foundation level safety training in our Industry for all.
Any questions regarding ReneableUK’s training standards and their withdrawal should be directed at RenewableUK to
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